Saturday, June 1, 2013

Natural Bridges:

      Recently, my boyfriend Shahin and I celebrated two years together. The week that our anniversary landed on was a bit crazy so we took it easy that day and packed a light picnic to take to Natural Bridges beach. I prepared simple turkey and cheddar sandwiches along with this salad which I added strawberries to. The weather that day could not have been more ideal and the beach was complete with stellar sunshine, warm sand, and a cool whispering breeze. I'm hoping to enjoy many more delicious outdoor picnics with Summer approaching. More importantly, I hope to enjoy more time with Shahin because he truly brings a element tranquility and love to my daily life!

      I have been very fortunate to live in Santa Cruz the last 4 years and I am extremely thankful for the quick and easy trips I have been able to take to the beach. There are so many local stretches of sand that I still have yet to discover, but that is part of the excitement of living in this gorgeous coastal city! I'd love to know, are there any outdoor hangouts in your area that you frequent often?



  1. What a wonderful idea and a great location to celebrate your anniversary, der Nico <3 Can´t believe at the moment that beach and sun still exists because here we have some kind of a flood cathastrophe ...

    Wish you further 100 happy years with your boyfriend!

    xx from Bavaria, Rena

  2. These photos are so lovely, the beach looks amazing. Congrats on your two years sweety! Wishing you both many many more!

  3. Happy anniversary. You are very lucky for having the chance to live near the beach. The pictures are breathtaking.

  4. Happy anniversary to you both! The pics are breathtaking, Nico. T.

  5. Hello from Spain: Happy second anniversary. The photos on the beach are awesome. It is a very lovely plan. We keep in touch.

  6. What a beautiful beach to spend time at!! Still learning my way around our new home after just three months here in Florida, but am finding a lot of pretty places that are SO green compared to my old location in So Cal that was famous for it's "golden" color : ) Enjoyed your pictures.

  7. Hello Nico,

    I'm taking the freedom of leaving you a comment because I'm currently working on a fashion-related dissertation for my MSc. I'm doing a survey about the perception of young women towards today's luxury brands ads, and if you, or any of your lovely reader, could take 5 mins and complete it, it would be of much much help :)
    Here the link of my survey:
    Thank you very much!


  8. I wanna go to the beach, too!

  9. How sweet! I bet it must be so romantic! And what a place, the perfect location for a tender picnic:) Happy Sunday Nico, kisses! xo

  10. It's so grand, I could do with a place like this :))) SO sweet, you two as well. I hope you have many more happy years and times together as well :) xo

  11. Congratulations dear! Thanks for sharing those fabulous photos too..


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