Thursday, December 1, 2011

Pumpkin Pie:

      Okay I'll admit it, I just don't like pie. I realize this may sound strange to you but I've just never been a big fan. That is until I tried my dad's recipe for semi-home-made pumpkin pie this past Thanksgiving! An easy pre made pie crust set the stage for a luscious, creamy, and aromatic filling. The taste is incredible and the best part is, the entire recipe takes mere minutes to prepare. Here's how:

Magic Ingredients:
-1 frozen pie crust
-Nonstick cooking spray
-24 ounces of pumpkin puree
-1 cup of heavy whipping cream
-4 eggs, beaten
-2 tablespoons ground nutmeg
-2 tablespoons pumpkin pie spice
-2 tablespoons all spice
-5 tablespoons cinnamon
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-1/2 cup brown sugar
-1/2 cup granulated sugar

Let's get started!
1: Grease a pie pan with the nonstick cooking spray and set defrosted pie crust evenly into the pan, fold over excess edges and "crimp" with the edge of a fork. Using the same fork, poke holes thru out the crust so it's doesn't puff up while it's prebaking. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 375 degrees:

2: While the pie is baking, mix together the pumpkin puree and spices in a large mixing bowl:

3: Beat the heavy whipping cream and the eggs together and add to the pumpkin mixture, combining all the way thru:

4: After the pie crust has pre baked for 10 minutes, take it out of the oven, fill with the pumpkin mixture and pop the whole thing back into the oven for 30 minutes or until a toothpick is inserted into the pie and released clean. Viola! You're all set for an utterly yummy pumpkin pie!

      Using the left over pumpkin mixture I filled ramekins and set them in a casserole dish filled half way with water and placed the tray in the oven while my pie was baking (photographed above). This is an excellent option for those of us that just cannot wait until after dinner to try the pie! Also, if you are looking to watch your waist line this holiday season this is also a great idea because there's no calorie ridden pie crust on these little guys!



  1. never thought about the eggs and whipping cream! I need to try this!

  2. I'm not a big pumpkin fan but this looks really nice :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I've never been a big pie fan either! Except for apple pie, of course! This recipe looks so delicious!

    I hope your day ended on a well-note! I'm sorry you were having a tough day and I'm glad my quote helped! When I read your comment, I was basically like this:

    You feeling better made me feel better too!

  5. Love the ingredients! And thanks for the recipe. I love pie, so this is definitely a joy! :D


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